
Stronger Inside - A response to common misconceptions about Britain leaving the European Union

This short briefing aims to clear up a set of common misconceptions about Britain’s EU membership that are often used by Eurosceptic voices to instil insecurity about our place in the EU.


Managing Migration - A Practical Approach

BNE's second migration report, aiming to make a constructive contribution to the UK debate on immigration. 


EU Membership is vital to the UK

BNE sets out the key facts on why British business and the British economy benefit from our EU membership


Scottish Independence and EU Accession

BNE's report on the implications of Scottish independence for Scotland's EU membership.


A Europe that Works - A Business Manifesto for Reform

Business for New Europe's manifesto, which has been signed by over 260 business leaders, sets out the reforms the EU must make to become more dynamic and business-friendly.


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